Coin/Token Development

Trending Blockchain
for Token Development

Crypto Token Development Company is an entity specializing in the creation and management of digital assets on blockchain networks. These tokens, governed by Smart Contracts, serve diverse purposes such as representing ownership, utility or security.

ERC-20 tokens are supported by all EVM chains, such as Binance Smart Chain, Polygon, and Avalanche.
If you are interested in developing on Solana, SPL tokens are a great place to start.
XRC20 is a token standard that defines the basic functionality of a fungible token on the XDC Network blockchain.

Creating ERC-20 standard token very easy

One ERC-20 standard for all EVM compatible chains

ERC-20 For EVM Chains

Create ERC-20 tokens compatible with Ethereum and other compatible chains.

SPL Tokens for Solana Chains

Develop SPL tokens optimized for the Solana blockchain ecosystem effectively.
  How to create crypto token ?

Create a Smart Contract for a Token, Deploy it on a Blockchain and then Distribute the Token

Choose a Blockchain

Choose a Blockchain

Choose a blockchain platform to launch your token. Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, and Solana have ecosystems.
Token Standards

Token Standards

Choose a token standard. Ethereum commonly uses ERC-20 for fungible tokens and ERC-721 for non-fungible.
Token Smart Contract

Token Smart Contract

Make a token smart contract. Token rules and functionality are in this smart contract. This level may need code or a developer.
Smart Contract Deployment

Smart Contract Deployment

Blockchain-specific smart contract implementation. This generally involves a blockchain explorer or development environment.

Making web3 accessible with crypto token

How to Launch a Crypto Token

Token Offering

Conducting a public sale to distribute tokens widely.

Exchange Listing

List tokens on major cryptocurrency exchanges.

Community Building

Foster community growth through engagement and collaboration
Features of Crypto Tokens

The Functionality, Utility and Tradability of Cryptocurrency Tokens

Digital, programmable, secure assets enabling diverse blockchain-based functionalities, from payments to governance in our Crypto Coin Development Services.



Many tokens are fungible, meaning each unit is identical and interchangeable with others of the same type. This is common for cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or ERC-20 tokens, including Cryptocurrency Development Services.


Some tokens, like ERC-721 tokens, are non-fungible, meaning each unit is unique and not interchangeable. These are often used for digital collectibles, art, and gaming assets.
Utility Tokens

Utility Tokens

These tokens provide access to specific functionalities or services within a blockchain network or ecosystem. For example, you might need utility tokens to pay for transactions or access certain features in a DApp.
Security Tokens

Security Tokens

These tokens represent ownership in an underlying asset, like company shares or real estate. They are typically subject to securities regulations.
Hire Best Crypto Token developers

Standard Token Creation Codes

If you are looking a full feature Token Development Services, Hire Nadcab Labs. Standard token creation of all blockchain is here just copy these codes and create your own crypto tokens

Hire Token Developers
Dots icon
Mytoken.sol (Solidity Code)
 // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

contract ERC20Token {
    string public name = "MyToken";
    string public symbol = "MTK";
    uint8 public decimals = 18;
    uint256 public totalSupply = 1000000 * (10 ** uint256(decimals));

    mapping(address => uint256) public balanceOf;
    mapping(address => mapping(address => uint256)) public allowance;

    event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value);
    event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value);

    constructor() {
        balanceOf[msg.sender] = totalSupply;

    function transfer(address to, uint256 value) external returns (bool success) {
        require(to != address(0), "Invalid address");
        require(balanceOf[msg.sender] >= value, "Insufficient balance");

        balanceOf[msg.sender] -= value;
        balanceOf[to] += value;
        emit Transfer(msg.sender, to, value);

        return true;

    function approve(address spender, uint256 value) external returns (bool success) {
        allowance[msg.sender][spender] = value;
        emit Approval(msg.sender, spender, value);
        return true;

    function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 value) external returns (bool success) {
        require(from != address(0), "Invalid address");
        require(to != address(0), "Invalid address");
        require(balanceOf[from] >= value, "Insufficient balance");
        require(allowance[from][msg.sender] >= value, "Allowance exceeded");

        balanceOf[from] -= value;
        balanceOf[to] += value;
        allowance[from][msg.sender] -= value;
        emit Transfer(from, to, value);

        return true;
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Unlock the full potential of blockchain technology and joint knowledge by requesting a price or calling us today.

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  • Pratapgarh Rd, Barrister Mullah Colony, MNNIT Allahabad Campus, Teliarganj, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh 211002
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  • A24, A Block, Sec-16 Noida 201301, Uttar Pradesh, India
London Office
  • 23 New Drum Street London E1 7AY

