Binance Smart Chain Bridge
Binance Smart Chain (BSC) is another Ethereum-related blockchain. BSC offers the same amount of smart contracts but the fees charged in the BSC series are much cheaper.
Avalanche Bridge
Another Ethereum-compatible series is Avalanche (AVAX), a blockchain proof (PoS). AVAX participants can integrate AVAX assets into Ethereum using the various capabilities offered by the Avalanche fund.
Bitcoin Cash SmartBCH Bridge
Bitcoin Cash (BCH) is another chain now associated with Ethereum via the SmartBCH network. This means that bitcoin money can be collected and used for set-aside financial purposes.
Solana Wormhole Bridge
Solana (SOL) has a bridge and the launch of the Ethereum Wormhole Network - the Solana bridge was unveiled on September 17. The Wormhole Token Bridge connects Ethereum with Solana and users can exchange goods across all blockchains.
Tezos Wrap Protocol Bridge
Tezos (XTZ) is a PoS blockchain network with authentication nodes known as bakers. A bridge called Wrap Protocol, developed by Bender Labs, allows integration with the Ethereum blockchain.
Cardano Bridge
The creation of Cardano-Ethereum bridges revolutionizes blockchain interoperability, fostering business growth at lower costs by facilitating seamless token migration and collaboration, unlocking new possibilities for innovation and inclusivity.